Mga Post

ALL ABOUT THE BLOGGER She is Javen Ira Gesulga Paculba. 20 years of age. She is currently studying at Central Mindanao University, 4 th year taking up Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English. She’s weird and she believes that God made her to be the person she can ever be <3

Way of Disciplining Students: 30 Years Ago Vs. the New Millennial

    D iscipline is a very common word. The word itself is similar to the word "Disciple". Discipline is learning. It trains individuals to be good, have a moral character and good attitude. . It also refers to the punishment that intends to correct and that is enforced by those in authority just like parents or teachers. But what about in education? How are students disciplined and before the 21 st century learners as of today. How are these related to technology? In this blog, we will find out the comparison of the way students are disciplined 30 years ago versus the new millennial generation today in regards to the use of technology. 30 years ago  Image retrieved from:          B efore, Corporal Punishment is what teachers do to correct and discipline students. Corporal punishment is derived from a Latin word meaning body. It meant physical punishment an